An electronic dissertation is a kind of written assignment which is composed of three components: electronic edition of the thesis statement, supplementary details, and five printed copies.
Speaking about such a paper we have to mention the required format for it’s PDF. As a result, you’ll need to convert your writing into PDF with the assistance of the Adobe Acrobat Application after which divide your paper into chapters so that each of them is an individual PDF file.
Additionally you’ll need a file that will include title page of your paper such as the exact date of your disputation and names of two referees plus acknowledgements, outline, and the table of referees. It’s also wise to keep in mind that the file names mustn't have any blanks.
For supplementary details you'll need to fill the electronic form sheet Shown below is the info you need to fill in:
2.English and German name of your paper;
5.German outline – up to 3,000 characters of almost 40 lines.
The English synopsis, the German outline, as well as the table of contents needs to be ready before filling the form sheet.
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