Would you are aware a lot of firms offering essay writing services in English aren’t even based in nations where English is the mother tongue”
Are you aware a lot of essay writing firms hire outsource writers who are non-native English speakers”
Would you understand you can place your academic career at risk when selecting an essay writing business unqualified to create an academic paper in appropriate written English”
Advice on how TO avoid BEING TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF:
Check to be sure that the firm has a physical address situated in a nation where English is the first language.
When it’s possible to do so request the organization to give you evidence of incorporation. Most firms will not be filed in any state and for that reason you will find yourself receiving a low quality paper from them.
Assess whether phone numbers shown in the site are actually valid and at least accessible during business hours.
Be sure to have other choices besides e-mail to get in contact with all the writing service staff, should difficulties arise.
Request the enterprise to provide you with a written guarantee that the paper will probably be composed with a native English speaker, before paying.
Take a look at a Hacker SAFE symbol to the business's website before giving out your private information. Remember that a number of firms show imitation symbols. You’re highly urged to be sure that the ScanAlert site really lists the business among Hacker SAFE members.