Created in 1947, ACM is a driving force in improving abilities of the IT professionals globally in the areas of business, government and academia. Now, over 75,000 members turn to the organization for the leading Portal Site initiating conventions, and important publications.
Within its own outstanding standing ACM observes its custom of honoring those that have made substantial contributions to computer science.
The ACM Dissertation Award is presented yearly to the writers of the greatest doctoral dissertations in the specialty of engineering and computer science.
Candidates additionally compete for ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award presented to the writers of the greatest doctoral dissertations. The sum of the award is $5,000.
Just one ACM dissertation could be submitted from one association. However, in the event the association awards over ten Computer Science or Computer Engineering PhDs per annum, two nominations are permitted.
These items needs to be in each nomination submitted:
– name, home address, and telephone number of a man making the nomination;
– names and addresses of the individuals who agree with this particular recommendation;
– a statement regarding why this nominee deserves ACM Dissertation Award. It will have his CV.
A few of the most effective ACM dissertations are made by our skillful team of specialists ensuring exceptional performance and high quality of your writing.